absolute coordinate

美 [ˈæbsəluːt koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt]英 [ˈæbsəluːt kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪt]
  • 绝对坐标
absolute coordinateabsolute coordinate
  1. Discussion on the application of high-precision railway absolute coordinate measure system


  2. Second , the relative coordinate system after a scattering interaction is transformed into the absolute coordinate system before the light scattering .


  3. Then , models are absolutely oriented , achieving special absolute coordinate of models .


  4. At present , the modeling methods of multi-rigid-body system can be concluded to two kinds : Absolute coordinate method and relative coordinate method .


  5. The motion of beams is described by using an absolute coordinate system , the motion are decomposed into deformation motion and rigid motion .


  6. The position of the least square center for a cross section in the absolute coordinate system is an important factor that affects cylindrical form errors .


  7. As to the conservation of motion of center of mass , the method of absolute coordinate system is generally used in the teaching meterials of theoretic mechanics .


  8. This paper gives the results of the research work on machining by the method of compensation with the radius in absolute coordinate for lathe-type machine tools with digital display .


  9. The problem of altering the rotating coordinate system to absolute coordinate system is often encountered when the frequency characteristics of unsteady vortex shedding in turbine engine is studied .


  10. To detect the pose of exploration robot and the pose of the rocker in the absolute coordinate system based on binocular vision after finishing robot mechanism analysis and kinematics modeling .


  11. According to the law of piston motion in absolute coordinate , transient flow characteristic model of the pump both in ideal liquid state and in actual liquid state are developed respectively by lamped parameter method .


  12. Flexible Multibody Dynamics Research and Application Based on the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Method


  13. In recent years , absolute nodal coordinate formulation becomes very popular in the field of flexible multibody dynamics .


  14. The application of an absolute nodal coordinate ( ANC ) formulation in the coupling dynamics of flexible beams with large deformation was investigated .


  15. Based on V.Mises yield condition and flow rule , dynamics variational equations for a three-dimensional elasto-plastic plate are established using virtual work principle and absolute nodal coordinate formulation .


  16. In the first part , firstly , total soil resistance formula of Case method is deduced over again using absolute time coordinate ; Secondly , Case damping factor method and its improved method are analyzed ;


  17. The two-phase flow process of we steam spontaneous condensation is described with the numerical model under absolute Euler coordinate system . The numerical simulation and analysis were applied for 3 D complex spontaneous condensing flow inside the static cascade in low pressure stage of a turbine .


  18. The mathematic models of ship-based missile in launch period are established . These models consist of relative motion in launch-fixed coordinate and absolute motion in earth-fixed coordinate .


  19. The absolute coordinates of a point is its coordinates in absolute rest Cartesian coordinate system .
